The Arduino target files
The papyMonitor folder of papyMonitor-arduino repository contains two files to include on your project, see installation instruction.
How it works
Each sketch must have some mandatory lines, here after is the minimal sketch to use together with the library
// Mandatory include
#include "papyMonitor.hpp"
// Some variables to monitor
// ...
// ...
// ...
// The structure where you put your variables
// to monitor. The library uses this
sVariables_t variables[] = {
// ...
// ...
// ...
***** Monitoring initialization, DO NOT MODIFY THIS !!! *****
const uint8_t nbVariables = sizeof( variables ) / sizeof( sVariables_t );
Monitoring myMonitor( &Serial, variables, nbVariables );
***** End of Monitoring initialization *****
// Your setup
void setup() {
// ...
// ...
// ...
// Your loop
void loop() {
// ...
// ...
// ...
// You need to add this line at the end of the loop
// This line call the monitoring engine for the communication
// with the papyMonitor-gui application
// The call act as a blocking timer, after 1ms it unblocks the line
// Further behaviour will be available if requested
Of course, this code is useless but shows what is absolutelly necessary in your sketch.
Assume you want to monitor two variables, one of the type Byte and one of the type float, the following sketch example shows how to do this:
#include "papyMonitor.hpp"
// Some variables to monitor
// These are the declaration of the variables we want to monitor. They must be
// declared before the "sVariables_t variables[]"
float myFloat;
uint8_t myByte;
// In order for the library to work, we need to tell it what variable
// to monitor, this is done in the sVariables_t variables[]
// In the sVariables_t variables[] we put one line per variable
// Each line contains 4 fields
// 1. The variable pointer (simply put a & in front of your variable)
// 2. The variable type (see eDataType_t in papyMonitor.hpp),
// 3. A flag that contains the reporting status (eNeverReport, eReportOff, eReportOn)
// leave it at eReportOn for the moment
// 4. A Callback function, leave it at NULL for the moment
sVariables_t variables[] = {
{ &myFloat, eComDataType_Float, eReportOn, NULL }, //index 0 in the .lua file
{ &myByte, eComDataType_U8, eReportOn, NULL }, //index 1 in the .lua file
// The variables[] is in fact an array whose elements have an index. This is
// very important to note since each index is related with a peculiar variable
// and will be required in the .lua configuration file for the papyMonitor-gui
const uint8_t nbVariables = sizeof( variables ) / sizeof( sVariables_t );
Monitoring myMonitor( &Serial, variables, nbVariables );
void setup() {
// Initialization of the variables
myFloat = 0.0f;
myByte = 0;
void loop() {
// Main program
// We increment the myFloat value from 0 to 100 forever
// in step of 0.01
myFloat += 0.01f;
if (myFloat >= 100.0f)
myFloat = 0.0f;
// We increment the myByte value from 0 to 255 forever
myMonitor.update(); // unblock every 1ms
The matching .lua configuration file can be:
-- Lua configuration file
-- See "The User Configuration File (UCF)"" documentation
Baudrate = 230400,
SetValue = '#',
ReportValueOn = '?',
ReportValueOff = '!',
IReportValue = ':',
IReportTextConsole = '>',
SampleTimeHW= 0.001,
GroupTabs= {
{-- group0
Tabs = {
{ -- Tab0
Columns= {
{ 0, },
{ 1 },
Name="My float",
Type= "f",
Index= 0,
Data = {
Name="My byte",
Type= "B",
Index= 1,
Data = {
See "The User Configuration File (UCF)" documentation for more information